Saturday, May 31, 2008


What a week.phew. It felt as if I've been working non-stop for the past week.. It does feel longer than in actual fact. And of course after having a great planned holiday, your heart just doesn't belong anywhere else, but longing for the next one. Thanks to work, I've been dreaming lately on how to deal with my clients and how to resolve issues and my brain's bombarded with numbers. No, I'm not an accountant, but I get paid to irritate and annoy my clients. They hide when I appear, they show their sour faces when I greet them.

I remain clueless.

Enough about work. a lil' update on my trip. I flew 3535miles away to the land of the rising sun......and I love the harajuku outfits and the weirdest hairdo. Girls are definitely more attractive than the guys...And I was told to be prepared if the jap girls started flirting with him. Sad right? Population of girls outnumbered the male species. So anyone interested in getting a chic, I suggest, take the next flight across south china sea and search for your princess charming.

I myself was too caught up checking the chics. Trust me, they are way, way cuter than you think they are.

Ok. I'm too tired and lazy to blog..shall post pics soon. I need sleep.

Goodnight all.

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